Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Julz Simon of Vth-Color

Julz Simon was born in America but has a strong family background of Antigua, and WI (a Caribbean island) where both of his parents were born which he visits every summer.

Also the sole founder of the blog, Over Seas Style,  a blog dedicated to introducing his Life, Music, Fashion and Economy to all of the Eastern Caribbean bloggers. Sharing his culture with his American bloggers.

Vth-Color, pronounced "fifth color", is not just a Brand or Color, It represents a "movement of positive energy" that has been branded in Philadelphia with the potential to expand nation-wide.

The Caribbean Island of Antigua and Barbuda has several colors that all stands for something about the sister-islands and it's people. The fifth color in the flag is red which represents the blood and power and strength of the people, hence the positive "ENERGY".

With a target audience for the Urban community, it also has expectations to expand to semi- formal attire and it features clothing for all sizes and styles.

Every culture has an urban style and our clothes and accessories will be aimed for males, females and children with that taste. The t-shirt s, sweatshirts, hoodies, blouses, bracelets etc.., will be a blend of the Caribbean and American flavors.

I've met Julz on several occasions, hes a down to earth humble guy, and hold's great conversations! I'm glad I had the opportunity to learn more about him, as well as his blog!

Check out his blog at:

He can also b reached by email at:

Thanks for Reading!

-Kia Denise

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